Not showing up to a court date can have serious consequences. The court may issue a bench warrant for your arrest, and you could be held without bond, meaning you will be in jail until you can appear before a judge. You could also face an additional charge for failure to appear in addition to your previous criminal charges.
Missing a court date is not to be taken lightly because you could face additional penalties that could impact the underlying criminal case. The court might also revoke bail until the other matter is resolved. The criminal court system is complex, and you should not face it without representation from a dedicated criminal defense attorney like Jennifer Marshall. A Piscataway failure to appear lawyer can assist you with resolving the matter.
The authorities treat a defendant’s failure to appear as a serious criminal defense. The consequences can be severe depending on the underlying nature of the original charge. For example, the penalty for failure to appear on a violent offense is more serious than missing a court date for a misdemeanor. Defendants who do not attend all court dates and contact the clerk if they need to reschedule run the risk of additional penalties. The consequences of failing to appear can include:
In limited circumstances, the court may overlook a missed court date, but it is always advisable to attempt to reschedule the hearing. The clerk may grant a continuance for illnesses, injuries, family emergencies, and misunderstanding. Those facing charges should contact a failure to appear attorney in Piscataway to help them navigate the legal process.
Anyone charged with failure to appear should consult an attorney who can explain their options, potential consequences, and impact on pending criminal charges.
A failure to appear lawyer could also request a continuance if there is a valid reason for missing the court date. and resolving the charges to reduce impact on other criminal cases.
In some cases, a failure to appear charge may result in a fine, community service hours, or attending court-mandated programs. For repeated violations, the court may revoke or set new bail conditions. An attorney in Piscataway could help those charged with failure to appear avoid serious penalties.
While the court may be willing to excuse your failure to appear if you were mistaken or missed the date by accident, this is not always the case. A defendant’s failure to appear for a scheduled court date is a serious matter. When you are facing other criminal charges, the failure to appear for a scheduled hearing can adversely impact your case and bail conditions.
When you hire a Piscataway failure to appear lawyer, they can advocate for your best interest and ask that the additional charges be dropped. Jennifer Marshall understands what you are going through and can be your one-two punch in court. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.