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Facebook Affects Divorce/Marriage

We all know that Facebook has overtaken our lives.  We are obsessed with status updates and photos of our friends, but did you know Facebook is breaking up families.  It is true, many couples are using Facebook as a way to get revenge on spouses in divorce proceedings.

A husband/wife uses photos, comments and even connections to show the court that the other spouse cannot be trusted or should not have custody.  Facebook has also led to divorces.  People our finding their significant others chatting up old flames or new flames.

As an attorney, I would suggest not doing anything or writing anything on Facebook that you do not want to come back and bite you later.  In an age where everyone is social networking, attorneys must learn how to place evidence of affairs and bad parenting into their motions and arguments.  It is not easy especially when many spouses have access to each other’s passwords.  Courts are wary of their use but still accept them.

To err is human, but to post can be damaging.  So moral of the story, continue to post, comment or blog but remember the cyber world has an infinite reach and nothing is ever private.  If you or someone you know is caught posting something that gets them in trouble with the law, call me today.

Middlesex County, Somerset County, Essex County, Monmouth County, Ocean County, Union County.